Braintree is where we can see the transaction history for customers when paying through CARD, this does not show Paypal transactions. We can also take manual payments for customers for example taking the payment for a 50% mispack.

This page will also explain the transaction statuses and show you how to refund outside of Magento in case there’s been an accidental offline refund.

Braintree can also be used to void a payment before it is taken, in case there is a reason the customer cannot wait for the transaction to settle in Magento.

Link -


Status Meaning
Processor Declined The payment has been declined for some reason
Submitted for Settlement The payment has been submitted.
Settled The payment has now settled and been taken.

Taking Payments

Payments must be taken over the phone ONLY, never via chat or email. To take a manual payment follow these steps:

Customers’ Details in Braintree

  1. Log in to Braintree
  2. Go to Transactions, search the customers email top left of the screen, if their details come up then we can ask the customer to confirm the last 4 digits on the card we have on the system.
  3. Then once we know this is the customers details we can click 'charge'
  4. Then enter the Amount- Amount you want to take from customer. Order ID- An order number (original or reorder is fine)
  5. Confirm with customer the amount before proceeding and then click 'create'
  6. This has charged the customer.

Customers’ details not in Braintree

  1. If when searching the customer hasn't got any transactional history on Braintree or they would like to use a different card, click on transactions then ‘+New Transaction’
  2. As you scroll down, fields which need to be filled in are;