Sometimes DotDigital disconnects from Freshdesk and stops forwarding replies to marketing e-mails to a location where we can see them. When this happens we need to locate the replies manually in Dot Digital and then e-mail them outbound from Freshdesk. The process for this is shown here:

First, go to the reporting tab on the top row and click on "Campaign Reports"


Then, filter by "Last Date Sent" so you are looking at the most recent Campaign e-mails


Any e-mail with the Type "Standard" might have been replied to. Any e-mail with the Type "Triggered" will not.

Click into the campaign you want to look at and scroll down slightly to hover over the replies on the "At a Glance" report. The click "View More"


Once here, click on the row you want to see the reply from and scroll down to the bottom. Do not click on the e-mail address itself as this will take you to the customer's account.


Any e-mails that require a resolution will need checking to see if they have already contacted us. If they have not, create an outbound e-mail response in FreshDesk and add the original e-mail as part of the ticket summary.