We need to categorise each customer review for 2023 so we can track the customer sentiment and identify areas to improve going forward.

You can find the login details for Feefo here:

Feefo & TrustPilot

And access the Dashboard here: https://hub.feefo.com/dashboard

To view the tags we use, when in Feefo go to Settings > General > Insight Tags & Predictive Responses. They are fairly self-explanatory but any questions please ask. “Not supported by CS contact” doesn’t mean the customer feels unsupported, it means they left a review without first contacting us.


Then via the agent guide page, follow the steps as though you were going to leave a review reply, but only tag. E.g. go to Feedback – click ‘monitored awaiting reply’ – include all stars 1-5 – then advanced filters to select only untagged reviews (to save you going through all reviews to see which are tagged!) & NPS detractors only


To tag up a review, simply click on the review & under ‘insight tags’ click ADD NEW. There is no limit on tags, just put all the ones you feel most relevant having read the review and the associated ticket/chat if needed and available.

Please ensure that the date range is set back to January 1st up to the current date, so we’re catching all reviews in 2023! (see below as example)


You’ll also need to search & tag up via OLDEST - NEWEST, so you’re hitting oldest reviews first;
