The FFI list is something that needs checking as early as possible, ideally the second task after SDR & LATE reports.

On this sheet, the warehouse reports any items that are now out of stock, but already on customer orders & paid for. At this stage, the customer is unaware there is any issue with their order.

The only tab we use is ‘Form Responses 1’ then scroll down until the ‘TIMESTAMP’ column (first column on the spreadsheet on the left) displays todays date. If there is nothing for today’s date, e.g. the last entry was a few days ago, then there are no FFI issues for today & you can move onto another task.

If there are entries, then we need to email the customers asking them what they’d like to do; E.g. Cancel their order, have a different item, have the rest of the order & just that item refunded etc.

There are a few tags to use dependent on the customers preference;

FFI_OOS_Alternative_Requested FFI_OOS_Item_Refunded FFI_OOS_Order_Cancelled

Sometimes there are errors on this sheet, e.g. the Warehouse have inputted that the entire order can’t be fulfilled when it’s one item, or they’ve said that an item is OOS when it’s not. It’s always worth having a quick check of BP / our website just to be sure.

Because we had a history of errors which take us extra time, we now request on the sheet that the person uploading the FFI issues must put their name on the sheet. That way if there’s errors, we can directly report this to them to amend.

We send out the “FFI alternative or Refund” email template. To do so;