Lots of customers want to speak to a manager. However at Beer Hawk we know that our CS Agents often have more ability to resolve issues for the customer than manager's do. If you doubt this, watch Andy try and complete tickets...

We want to set a precedent that shows our agents are the most capable of resolving the issue and therefore when a customer asks to speak to a manager there are a number of things you can do:

Use examples like:

"I don't have a manager available right away, but I am able to resolve all types of query for you"

"I need to investigate this further within the wider team. What's the best way to get back to you? (email/phone) Someone will contact you with an update by X, it may not be myself it may be my supervisor"

"My manager isn't available for a call right now but I have messaged them and they have authorised X"

Resolving an issue while speaking to the customer will always be a better experience than waiting for the availability of a manager.

How to Raise a Manager Escalation

  1. Make sure that the status of the ticket is "Open".
  2. Make sure all ticket properties are fully up to date and relevant.
  3. Tag the ticket ‘Manager_Escalation
  4. Change the "Agent" to a Manager or Team Leader that you specifically pass it over to.
  5. Write a NOTE (not summary as customer can see this) at the bottom of ticket with timeline/summary of what has occurred, keep this efficient but please be aware if the customer requests GDPR info they can access this so we need to keep it professional and PG at all times. Include on this note the TL/manager you have specifically passed this over to.
  6. Pass on over. This part is imperative, when we are in the thick of it we need to be told directly about manager escalations, as the group doesn’t get checked as regularly, it also ensures the customer is dealt with ASAP.
  7. Once the TL/manager has dealt with it, they will tag the ticket with ‘Escalation_Resolved