<aside> ℹ️ PerfectDraft Admin is our Warehouse Management System (WMS)

It's where you'll find all the info about what's happened to the order after it was placed


To access PD Admin, click this link

This page will help you with the basics, but there is a fully developed PD Admin Help Centre here:

PerfectDraft Admin Help Center

Did you know - you can access PD Admin on your mobile/tablet?

For speed, you can select the relevant sections from the list, or work your way through the page:

Finding an Order

Most of the time, you're going to be using PD Admin because you have an order related query. So the most important thing to start off with is how to find one. There's a few different way to search for an order - follow the instructions below...

The Order Page

This is what an example of an order looks like when initially clicking on:
