The PerfectDraft App packs in a lot of features to help improve your PerfectDraft experience. I have included a number of screenshots to show these features in the sections below:

Creating your Account

When you first open the app you will be faced with this page:


If you already have a PerfectDraft account you can log in here. This is NOT your Beer Hawk account. You can use the same details but you will need to create and account separately.

Click Create your account at the bottom and it will take you here:


Fill in your details and click Create an Account.

Connecting your Machine

Once your account is created and you are logged in, the app will prompt you to connect your machine with this page:


Click on Connect my Machine and it will prompt you to sign up for machine notifications, these include; When your beer has reached it’s set temperature, when your keg is running low, when your keg is near the 30 days limit etc.


To connect your machine you need to go through the following steps:





Yes, my home WiFi network is called Wibbly Wobbly Timey WiFi. If you get the reference, good on you!