<aside> ➡️ Please note that is the V1


1 - Products settings

add the available quantities to the pre-order operation

  1. On PD Admin, go on the product concern by the operation

  2. Enter the available quantities to the pre-order operation in a sellable location

Adding the pre-order category on a product

For each organization, we have added the pre-orderable category for the products concerned by this operation.

You can check it via this path:

Go to Products > Products list and find the product concerned

When you’re in the product details, go to More > Categories

Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 12.01.36.png

When products stock are available, what should I do ?

  1. Remove the category “pre-orderable” of your product
  2. Check all orders in the status pre-order with your product
  3. Update the status of the order prep from “pre_order” to “To Do”