<aside> 🤙 Below you’ll find a brief description of ongoing issues from previous updates. If you need any more info - please ask the assigned TL/Manager


Description Date Added Date Ended (Blank if Ongoing) TL/Manager to ask
Trade in Lost Parcels 26/7 Kayleigh
Reorders processed through PerfectDraft Admin (BP) 26/7 Joel
10% loyalty code (PDKT Replacement) 26/7 Sof
**Ops now have spare medallions for the Pro that you can order (**PD300-PRO1: PerfectDraft Pro Medallion Blue
PD300-PRO2: PerfectDraft Pro Medallion Yellow) 17/8 Joel
More duplicate credits for keg returns where a customer is chasing their tokens and the tokens have gone into a different person’s account, if we come across any tickets regarding this please use this tag Kr_tracking_duplicate 17/8 Joel
Make it right process - this is imperative that we all follow this when offering tokens for gesture of goodwill for each individual issue, and correctly recording on the sheet - Make It Right - New Process 17/8 Joel
PerfectDraft Pro replacements - for any reorders please follow Andy’s form on how to log and check previous Quality Check completed in warehouse - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/113mEl0Hngiq9hj7UbBAvydRkXqwa_5zJHhh46YOqED4/edit#gid=243441573* 17/8 Joel
Refurbished PD Machines are now live on site 17/8 Joel
For any contact for damaged Mikkeller glasses please use the tag PD_Mikkeller_Glasses_Damaged. Also seen some chancers stating they have broken glasses but they don’t, for any enquiries about this please ensure we are asking the customer for photographic evidence, and also tagging with Enq_Damaged_Glass_Req_Image 24/08 Joel
Anyone who contacts regarding missing tokens they should’ve earned on their Mikkeller GOT keg pack, please manually add these as we are unable to sort a bulk upload! 24/08 31/08 Joel
Reorder_Refurb_Philips_Upgrade - If a customer has purchased a 3620 model which is currently OOS, and it doesn’t make it to them for whatever reason so we need to reorder, please reorder the upgrade refurb 3720 model and tag the ticket 25/08 Kayleigh
New refer a friend scheme launched! They’ve also added a feature that prevents existing customers using the codes so it actually IS for referrals - INFO HERE - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03PCQ6E4LQ/p1660554573225739 31/08 Joel
Beer Token Upload form which you can use to input tokens for each customer for the day, this will then be uploaded the following morning to their account. If you do add to this please then add tag Make_It_Right_Token_Added to the ticket. Bear in mind that this is a time-saver not a necessity! - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1660140257636469 02/09 Joel
Customers are now unable to book returns via collect+ website, meaning we also can’t offer this option - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1660574111697159 02/09 Joel
https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1660749221737429 - Outbound Calling Update 02/09 Joel
Yodel drivers now have the ability to call customers from their devices (They don't see the phone number)
When booking a collection it's worth adding the phone number (Particularly if they have had previous failed) Just pop it in the special instruction box and it will be added for them. 12/09 Kayleigh
For any complaints we get regarding the refurbed Philips machines, please ensure it is tagged with PD_Refurbished_Quality and flag to Sofia. 12/09 Sofia
PRO UPDATE 17/08/2022 - If you see any contact regarding the pro update please tag with app_1.6.2. If you have anyone on chat struggling to connect the pro after the update, please take the serial number, ask if the white WIFI light is on and ensure them we are looking into it!
For E1/E0 errors, ask them to try switching off and on again. Set the status to pending until we know what’s occurring. 12/09 Joel
Jiffy bag fraud - Please refer to this page to give full instructions on how to deal with orders requested for return & refund - Cancelled Orders 12/09 Kayleigh
New Tag - PD_Stella_Merch = Merch missing from Stella PDKT Keg Pack 14/09 Joel
**Trade-In Update - If anyone reaches out who hasn’t been able to access the form/has the form, please check WHEN the Pro was purchased. If before weekend of 30th & 31st July they should have been sent the email with enough time to complete it before the cut off of 31st July. If not or they purchased 30/31st of July we will honour with manual form.
If someone is chasing tokens, if the collection was over 3 week ago we can credit straight away (check balance to ensure not duplicating, apply 3000 token with Philips trade in as reference, tag ticket Trade_In_Credited and let the customer know. If it is pre 3 weeks, we need to send them the canned response Trade-in: Pre 3 weeks and then let Kamila know so we can add them to our list!** 16/09 Joel
Duplicate Payments - please ensure you do the following;
Have a search under the customer's email address in Braintree, find the multiple payments & check each order number on the payment to make sure no orders have made it into Magento. If no orders have been placed, place an order for what the customer wants with a CS reorder code on Magento, refund the other payments manually in Braintree & pass the customer's email address & transaction times to Andy Rush.
Please ensure you tag any ticket created for this with Site_Issue_Duplicate_Payment 16/09 Joel
From 4pm 15/09 we added 1 dispatch day + 2 delivery days to SLA. There was an issue with it showing the wrong date for some customers. Please tag any of these with SLA_January
Accounts for any extra volume from Multibuy and Oktoberfest, the disruption at TL2 over the weekend, the bank holiday in the UK Monday and then the inevitable backlog in the Yodel network on Tues.
There's every possibility orders placed tomorrow will land earlier but we'd rather over deliver in this scenario. Will review first thing Tuesday. 15/09
Oktoberfest Tags - PD_Oktoberfest_Mispack- for either wrong kegs or wrong steins, B2C_Oktoberfest_Mispack - For incorrect Bottles & Cans Products & PD_Oktoberfest_Restock - For people asking about when we’re getting more in 05/10
Price change e-mail went at 4pm on 20/09 - You can check out the details for it here - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BB55UJR0/p1663332674947739. Further CS specific info can be found here - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1663685507997689. Along with a new tag - PD_Future_PINC - For people asking about future prince increases - Tag it up and we will work on responses 05/10
Romola Keg launched 23/09!!! This is a re-brand of Lisa, from Birra Del Borgo brewery. Details of the products that went live here: https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1663758581409539 05/10
Adnams Ghost Ship Keg launched last week 29/09. 06/10
The rota for October has just been published!! Please have a look, make sure there's no issues and confirm your shifts! 06/10 Kayleigh & Joel
See Joel’s cascade around Slack & FreshDesk profile consistencies, please check this and ensure your up to date with how it should look; ‣ 23/10 Joel
Kayleigh has cascaded reminders of a few processes (chat folders SLA target/returns form/notes summary on long thread tickets) as a refresher so pls make sure you’re familiar and are following these! https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1665052200776249 23/10 Kayleigh
- This **Super Sunday (16/10/2022) details released with promo codes, going live at 1800hrs on 13/10/2022 - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1665674053839349 23/10
Camden Hells launched 03/10/2022! It did exceptionally well and was the best launch of the year so far which is to be expected considering it’s extremely popular!
The Keg Pack sold out around 6pm on Monday due to the bar runners going OOS, the keg pack has been re added to the site with just glasses for now until new bar runners come in, most likely next week. 23/10
Massive Bud Competition launched 01/09/22 - Amazing prize so will likely be a few takers! There is a tag for anything to do with this Enq_Bud_World_Cup_Comp. Details here ****- https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03C1MGL5FA/p1662048037628999 23/10
We started sending out pretzel bites in keg orders as a surprise and delight. Although it looks like the kegs may be popping them open...
If you see any please tag them with PD_Surprise_Popped 23/10
New update on workflows in the CS-UK-Daily channel - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE7HBDB6/p1664886654448319 23/10
There's an issue with the free Punk codes that were given out for the keg down pants twitter incentive. The short dated Punk is OOS now, so the codes are being accepted still, but not adding a keg to an order.
These are going to be automatically replaced with Clwb Tropica Kegs, which have a date of December 2022. For anyone who uses the code from now, the cart will show Clwb Tropica from now on so if we get any queries this is why. 23/10
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - We are ending the bottles & Cans side of our business. Full announcement here - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1664361007828849 23/10
As part of the Bottles & Cans closure, BeerBods closure was announced (05/10) - Please leave any contact around this for Joe S and Matt L to get back to the customers, they need to be tagged with Beerbods_Closure. Check the details here - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BVU9AX96/p1664957655738829 23/10
Personalised canned responses - please ensure if you have any personalised canned responses that the general information matches the basic canned response set up for everyone! It has been noticed parts of information missing from parts of basic processes that have to be included in everyone’s responses (ie let us know when you mispack/faulty has been collected so we can sort tokens). 23/10 Kayleigh
Outbound calls task to new customers - started 12/10! Please see all information on cascade, this will be assigned out Mon-Fri for the duration of this month! 😃 https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1665588449882409 28/10/2022 Kayleigh
Ryan has updated us on changes to LiveChat 😎, please ensure you give his cascade a really good read - and if you have any feedback let him know!
https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1664964368547859 28/10/2022 Ryan
Please see update around the rollback on Pro firmware that happened 11/10 to address the D0 issue/infinite snake/E5 errors. 28/10/2022
Reminder on refund process (must go through either Magento/Braintree, NOT PerfectDraft Admin (BP);
https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1666259522173509 28/10/2022 Kayleigh
- Hertog Jan BockBier Keg went live 02/11/2022. Looks like there is an issue with the new BockBier not earning tokens when purchased. At a guess we'll just end up having to add them manually when a customer queries their lack of tokens - so you know what that means...a lovely new tag for you all! PD_BockBier_Tokens 09/11/2022 Beth
Orders with gift messages can be processed through PerfectDraft Admin (BP) - the same paperwork prints! 10/11/2022 Kayleigh
When we are processing refunds on Magento, can we please ensure that for now we do NOT select the tick box at the bottom that says 'Email Copy of Credit Memo' - this firing a really outdated email with old branding on! Rob is looking into it so we can get it up to date! 10/11/2022 Kayleigh
We are trialling some changes to ways of working off the back of feedback from 121s and general discussions! We want to ensure everyone is feeling heard, and that entering peak we are in the optimal position to absolutely smash it. Please see Andy’s cascade regarding it 😎 - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1665566628347329 10/11/2022 Andy
Freshdesk ticket fields/groups/product have had a full revamp from Andy! Please check the cascades channel for all relevant info around this, there will be a teething process in getting open tickets up to date so will take longer than normal! Any feedback please get it written down and then shared 😃
https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1665826379009099 10/11/2022 Andy
Manager escalations need to be tagged up with ‘Manager_Escalation’ tag and passed to TL on duty! There is no specific manager group for this now so we need to ensure all ticket fields are filled in, and the tag is on there with it passed over immediately so we can get on with resolving. 10/11/2022 Kayleigh
Yodel running test on eRin has made 2 new account show when booking collections, please ignore and continue to use '9779051 - BEER HAWK LIMITED'. 10/11/2022 Kayleigh
FreshChat properties and how to approach them;
https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1666257115833189 10/11/2022 Kayleigh
Issue with Thornbridge Green Mountain glasses being sent with Tennent’s bundles, Hannah has set up a tag Mispack_Tennents/GM_Glasses. Here is Ben B’s update regarding it; ****‣ 10/11/2022 Hannah
Make sure you join the #cs-uk-chatbot-builds channel to report any issues that pop up with the new chatbot flows! 14/11/22 Joel
There is a new form in case you believe you have any errors with your payroll - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewYDOh9GDzYM8Ldw2u0NSe4RxX8t-NuFkw21LGYJCk83EcrA/viewform?usp=sf_link 14/11/22 Joel
We can carry over 5 days holiday MAX into next year and sell up to 4 days so please check your allowance and if you request anything please do so in HROnline & WIW and let your TL know so you don’t lose any. 14/11/22 Joel
We have seen a small amount of contact regarding the Pro machine tap dripping water due to condensation around the tap - we have a tag set up by Ellis PD_Pro_Tap_Drip. 14/11/22 Joel
Seeing an increase in Yodel delivering random items, if you come across please use this tag Del_Random_Item and deal with accordingly. 14/11/22 Joel
Beer Tokens issue - looks like the France 98 Tennent's & USA 94 Bud World Cup keg packs aren't earning tokens. Being looked into & we'll find out if they can be auto uploaded before adding manually so not to duplicate - tag for it PD_World_Cup_Pack_Tokens 14/11/22 Joel
Issue with Hawkstone Pack Reorders on PerfectDraft Admin (BP), please see Kayleigh’s cascade for guidance on how to deal with these - https://perfectdraft.slack.com/archives/C03BE5PB0KE/p1667305129362859 14/11/22 Joel
Ryan has released another ChatBot update! 😎 Please see the changes on the cascade here; ‣ 14/11/22 Joel
Thornbridge Green Mountain keg went live 08/11/2022 at 1pm! It’s currently available on our Multibuy deal to push sales, and you can read the email send here: https://cdn.uk.exponea.com/beer-hawk-prod/e/CgxiM2m2uEBIYsrIEKwxlX9u75Ha2EFyDGNqR73BqU_P9imMoQ.wSbtVsG-VU_GFA 14/11/22 Joel
Firmware version v1.7.6 has been rolled out for PerfectDraft Pro App users, including one change to address the E5 issue some customers have been experiencing with their Pro machine. It moves the acceptable sensor range to allow for the cold winter nights ahead! If any customers get E5 errors (while having v1.7.6) we should be very attentive to sort it, as it'll suggest broken sensors or machines getting far too cold/ hot! Please tag up and assign to Ellis/Joel. 14/11/22 Joel
REFURBISHED PHILIPS MACHINES ISSUES - If you come across any contact where a customer is complaining about the refurbed machine, please ensure you are tagging this up with the new tags so we can properly trace the issues with these and affectively report back to Service Care: