We're not machines, at some point we'll all probably be too unwell to work. We have a policy in place to cover this.

The process for reporting illness is as follows:

  1. Please make sure you contact your Line Manager at least 1 hour before the start of your shift if you do not feel you can attend work. Official Beer Hawk policy states that this should be a call but in Customers Services we will accept a text or call but not a slack message or e-mail.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by your line manager, will need to keep them informed daily if you continue to be unable to attend work.
  3. Statutory Sick Pay does not begin until you have been ill for 4 days (not neccesarily working days). If you receive a positive COVID test then you are currently entitled to SSP from day 1.
  4. You must provide a fit note from your doctor from the 8th day of absence onwards.
  5. After 3 weeks, it is classed as “Long term sickness”.
  6. Regardless of the length of absence, you must have a Return to Work interview with a Team Leader once you return. This is just to make sure you’re okay and check whether you need any extra support.
  7. If you have 2 unexpected absences within 6 months/4 within 12 months/ 3% of overall hours then this will trigger an absence review meeting. Again, this is just to make sure that you are okay and to ensure that you’re getting the support you need.