For every call that we receive, we create a ticket. The only exception to this, is if a customer asks to be transferred and you do that successfully – in which case a colleague will be creating the ticket.

Open a new ticket by pressing New > New Ticket – from anywhere in FreshDesk.

We use templates when answering the phone, to make our lives easier!

The basic template for us to use when answering the phone is ‘Record Inbound Call’. This sets the ticket up for you, fills in some boxes; basically does some of the work for you. The changes it will make are as follows:

When you get a call coming through, you’ll see that the XI:Comms Dashboard changes to show the incoming phone number. This is useful as we can highlight the customers telephone number and copy it straight into the ticket.

If all of our staff are doing their bit in recording customers phone numbers in their relevant tickets, we can jump ahead of the customer by searching their phone number in the FreshDesk search bar.

This is useful as it will often save you from struggling to understand a customer with a particularly heavy accent, or bad phone signal.