<aside> 🗣 These tips are designed to help you reduce the time taken with each customer, but not reduce the standard of service we provide.

Some of it will feel really obvious, but these are tried & tested methods of being efficient - remember our customers want the resolution to take the shortest possible time to reach a satisfactory conclusion.


Getting Set Up!

Setting Up Your Browser Efficiently

Setting up your browser to be as efficient as possible is not essential, but it’ll make your life a lot easier.

  1. Firstly, download Google Chrome! https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/

  2. If you’ve just downloaded Chrome, it will ask you to log in. You can do that with your Beer Hawk email address. If you’ve not created a Google account (using your Beer Hawk email address) click create new account, then ‘Use my current email address instead’. If you already have Chrome, just create a new profile by clicking add in the profiles menu. Then you can keep all your bookmarks and passwords in one place.

  3. Importing bookmarks. First download this handy file containing all the bookmarks you’ll (probably) ever need. Click the link and download it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BqPHOa2tt_luSK1OjkenHMi4UjKb3muA/view?usp=sharing To import the bookmarks into your browser, open the bookmark manager:


  4. Then import the bookmarks by uploading the file you just downloaded (Options > Import Bookmarks). Now every bookmark will be easily accessible from whatever page that you are on. Note: The bookmarks ‘Orders’ and ‘New Order’ are just bookmarks to the relevant pages in Magento, however you’ll have to set these up yourself as each URL is specific to an employee.


Grouping Tabs

You can group tabs within Chrome for a tidier workspace, this is really helpful and makes it harder to confuse yourself if you’re multi-tasking!

Just right click the tab and add to group.

Search From Browser

You can access the search function of certain websites without opening them. You set them up here in search engines: other search engines. Just click add. Here is a list of search engines you can add (unfortunately it doesn’t work with Magento!)

Beer Hawk Website Search: https://www.beerhawk.co.uk//catalogsearch/result/?q=%s Collect+ Search: https://www.collectplus.yodel.co.uk/track/%s FreshDesk Search: https://support.beerhawk.co.uk/a/search/tickets?term=%s Yodel/Erin Search: https://erin.yodel.co.uk/parcels?parcelNumber=%s

Use these by entering the keyword into the address bar then pressing space, then entering your search term. Example: My search term is just the letter ‘y’



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