Tone & Empathy is important when dealing with customers in any situation.

Tone & Empathy boils down to this; if a customer has an annoyed or angry tone of voice, put on your best empathetic/apologetic tone, and use appropriate language. Refer to them by title and surname, instead of their first name. (ie. I’m really sorry to hear that Mr. Ward)

For any verbal exchange, the tone you use when speaking heavily portrays intent. You can say something really pleasant with a sarcastic tone of voice, and it will come across as rude on insincere - very differently to if you say the same words politely. Bare this in mind when dealing with upset or difficult customers.

When it comes to difficult customers, we want you to do your best to resolve the issue. However there are options available to you if the customer is being unreasonable. If you are worried that you might say something you shouldn’t, consider putting them on hold or transferring the call to a colleague or manager if they are available.

Also it’s important to remember that we’re here to help customers with their issues. We are not here to be their verbal punching bag. If a customer is unreasonably rude to you, ask them to please mind their language as you are trying to help them with their query.

If they continue to be rude, warn them that you will end the call should they continue being abusive.

If they still continue after those two warnings, end the call. Make sure you note any abuse they gave you including the language they were using in detail in the ticket (make sure this is a private note and not the initial ticket notes, as customers can see this if we send a follow up e-mail). If you recognise their number calling back and don’t want to speak to them again, that’s fine, just decline the call and it will go to somebody else if they are available.