If you receive a call from someone and they ask you to transfer them to someone in the whatever department, the answer is no. Politely advise them that you can only transfer calls within the Customer Service department, and that if they want to get in touch with the whatever department, they should send an email to [email protected], and their email will be directed to where it needs to go.

If you receive a call asking you to transfer them to whoever, and they are not a Customer Service Agent, the answer is also no. If you think that they’re calling for a good reason, you can take their name, number and a message, and then Slack the relevant person, but never give their information out. They’ve lpotenitally found whoever on LinkedIn, and are just trying to get their details to sell them rubbish.

A good way to weed out these calls, is to ask the caller if we have an account with them, or they have an account with us. If the caller says no, you can pretty much guarantee that it’s a spam call.

If you’re ever unsure, you can pop the customer on hold and ask in Slack, or recommend that they send us an email, if you do this, most spam callers will just give up and not even send us an email.