DotDigital is our marketing & e-mailing system. You can use this to check what e-mails we have sent to customers & amend their marketing preferences.

Sometimes customers reply to our marketing e-mails and they do not come through to Freshdesk. You can check their replies if you have the right access by following this guide:

DotDigital Replies

Checking Sent/Received E-mails

There are two types of e-mails we send from DotDigital; Marketing & Transactional. You can find below the definitions and how to check them in DotDigital itself:

Amending Marketing Preferences

How to Add Customers to our Marketing E-mails

If a customer contacts us asking to be signed up for marketing emails, then you can sign them up manually in DotDigital.

If you don’t have access to DotDigital, or think you don’t have the right permissions to do this, message a CS Expert, Team Leader or Manager on Slack.

It is incredibly important that they CLEARLY state that they agree to receive marketing emails.

If a customer complains they’re not receiving emails and it turns out they’re not on the system, we need to get them to agree specifically to us signing them up, otherwise we’re not complying with data protection regulations and can be fined.

If in doubt, always ask!

  1. Log in to DotDigital, and on the top nav go to Contacts > All Contacts


  1. Click the address book __CS Manual Add


  1. Click the purple/pink ‘New Contacts’ button on the left
  2. Click ‘Add an individual contact’ and put in the user’s email address.